
What is HTML Hyperlink?

In this article, we are going to learn about Hyperlinks in HTML.

Table of Contents
  • Hyperlink
  • Relative and Absolute Paths
  • Linking to parts of the same page
  • Attributes of Hyperlink element

Hyperlink - provides the ability to link from one web page or resource to another. Made using the anchor element - <a>

It is an inline-level element.

href attribute – its value is a path that identifies the destination of the hyperlink

<a href="">HTML Course</a>

As already mentioned, Anchor element, <a>, is an inline element. Inline-level elements may not wrap block-level elements.

However, in HTML5, anchor elements specifically have permission to wrap either block-, inline-, or any other level elements. So entire blocks of content/image on a page can become links.

An example of Anchor element wrapping block-level elements (headings):

<a href="">
<h2>HTML Course</h2>
<h3>Lesson 10: Hyperlinks</h3>

An example of Anchor element wrapping image element:

<a href="">
<img src="image/htmlhyperlink.jpg">
See it in action

Relative and Absolute Paths

Linking to pages/posts on other websites requires an absolute path - href attribute value must include the full domain.

E.g. <a href="">More on links</a>
See it in action

More on links

Links pointing to other pages of the same website can have a relative path - href attribute value needs to include only the filename of the page being linked to. No need to include the domain (.com, .org, .edu, etc.)

E.g. <a href="course-details.html">HTML Course</a>

If the page being linked to reside within a different directory/folder, the href attribute value needs to reflect this as well.

E.g. <a href="pages/course-details.html">HTML Course</a>

Linking to parts of the same page

E.g. Back to top links, Sub-heading links

First set an id attribute on the element you wish to link to.

<h2 id="first-subheading">My sub-heading number 1</h2>

Then use the value of that id attribute within an anchor element’s href attribute.

<a href="#first-subheading">Go to first subheading</a> 

To create a link that leads to nowhere (kind of a placeholder link):

<a href="#">Remain on the same page</a> 

Target Attribute

We can determine where a link opens when clicked:

Default behaviour - links open in the same window/tab

To open a link in a new window - use the target attribute with a value of _blank

E.g. <a href="" target="_blank">More on links</a>
See it in action

More on links
_self is the default value of target attribute.

Relationship Attribute

rel attribute - identifies the relationship between the current document and the document being referenced.

Various values of rel attribute:

  • copyright - When linking to a copyright statement.
<a href="legal.html" rel="copyright">Terms of Use</a>  
  • nofollow - When you do not want the spiders of search engines to provide any additional weight or ranking to the destination of that hyperlink. 
<a href="" rel="nofollow">More about links…</a>  

Title Attribute

title attribute - specifies extra information about an element. (tooltip text)

<a href="" title="HTML Course">Visit our HTML Tutorial</a>
See it in action

Hover your mouse over the link below:

Visit our HTML Tutorial

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